Here is a link to the the Mesquite NV foreclosures on the MLS. It will take a few moments to load. (please note the link expired after 7 days, to get an updated foreclosure list please fill out the contact form and we will get it out to you)
He areĀ the six(6) most common mistakes that are made when buying Mesquite NV foreclosures:
1) Not getting yourself pre-qualified for a home loan before you start the shopping process. Getting pre-qualified is a must on foreclosure homes. It will help decide the amount you can comfortably afford. This saves time for you so you are focused on the right home. This also lets the bank/seller know that there are legitimate buyers looking at their home.
2) Not working with a buyers agent. Make sure you work with Realtor that specializes in working with buyers and has experience with Mesquite NV foreclosures . This can save you time and money. This type of agent knows the market, has good negotiating skills, knows purchase documents, and will guide through the process in a professional manner. Make sure you select an agent you are comfortable with, has good communication skills and shows concern for wants and needs. Do not be afraid to ask for references from the agent.
3) Stopping loan shopping because the interest rate is the lowest. Many loans today have heavy fees upfront charged by the lender. If you are going to finance for a short period of time do not pay hefty discount points. Make sure that any loan does not have pre-payment penalties.
4) Not checking out the neighborhood before you purchase. Make sure that you are in the location that fits your requirements for commuting and the location suits your lifestyle. Visit the neighborhood at different times of the day make sure you getting the total picture. Mesquite NV foreclosures are good deals, but make sure you are getting what you are intending!
5) Not attending the home inspection. This is the best opportunity you have to see first hand what kind of shape your new home is in. The home inspector will examine appliances, electrical, plumbing, insulation in the attic, the exterior of the home and finally the roof. Seeing things in person will definitely give you a better idea of what you are getting yourself into. Home inspections are as important on Mesquite NV foreclosures than any home you will purchase.
6) Failing to preview the closing documents in advance of signing. when you look at all the charges on a settlement statement do not be afraid to ask questions and what the charges are for.
If you take the time to hire the right buyers representative they will be able to help you avoid the typical pitfalls that plague most Mesquite NV foreclosures and make your purchase a pleasant experience. Remember the seller in most cases pays for your buyers agent. The biggest myth is that you can purchase the house for less without a Realtor.
Article written by the Mesquite Real Estate Team from Bowler Realty. Bowler Realty has local real estate professionals that have experience with Mesquite NV foreclosures and short sales.

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