It is time agian for a review of the Mesquite MLS. We feel it is important for those that are considering purchasing, leasing and investing in homes in Mesquite NV to know what is going on in the local real estate market. This information is from the Mesquite MLS.
We currently have 183 active homes listed for sale in Mesquite NV. Of those listed for sale 118 are in an Home Owners Association (HOA). 20 homes are foreclosures and another 12 are short sales. Pending home sales on the Mesquite MLS, there are 42. They also there were 20 homes sold in the last 30 days.
Mesquite condos for sale are 130. Of those condos 86 of them are lower units and have no stairs. There are 13 Mesquite condos in foreclosure and another 8 short sales. Currently there are 10 pending sales. In the last 30 days 6 condos have sold.
There are 89 townhomes for sale today. 7 of the townhomes are foreclosures and 9 short sales.There are also 18 pending sales. With 11 sold townhomes in the last 30 days.
Also of interest, the foreclosure data company, Realty Trac reported that 1 in every 398 housing units in the US with mortgages have had some type of foreclosure filing, such as a notice of default (30 days past due on mortgage), scheduled auctions, and bank repossessions.
If anyone would like a copy of the any of these reports they are available upon request.
This information is provided by the Mesquite Real Estate Team from Bowler Realty. Bowler Realty is a proud member of the Mesquite MLS. Find Mesquite condos and homes for sale.

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