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mesquite Realty

List of Properties from Mesquite MLS

by Mesquite Realty on July 11, 2014

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Condos in Mesquite 2014 Update

by Mesquite Realty on June 25, 2014

Looking for a Condo in Mesquite?

If you are looking to buy a Condo in Mesquite NV please know that there are some condo projects that are next to impossible to get financing on. Traditionally we have been able to get people into condos for 10-20% down. This is still the case for some condos in Mesquite. I see more lenders looking for 20-25% down on condos.

Below are some reasons I most often hear  people are considering buying a condo in Mesquite are:

1. SEASONAL. To get out of the cold. These people are looking to use the condo of maybe 6 months per year and don’t need a big home. This keeps the utilities down. Also they usually prefer a Home Owners Association (HOA) because they don’t want to mess with yard work and exterior maintenance. This buyer often prefers a swimming pool and/or other amenities and activities to do while in town. [click to continue…]

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Mesquite Investment Properties

by Mesquite Realty on May 20, 2014

On a recent trip to a Realtor Convention in Washington DC, I was visiting with a fellow Realtor from Las Vegas NV. He works primarily with Investors. We discussed the Mesquite NV Rental Market and the type of return Mesquite investment properties could generate. As we discussed these opportunities he was excited because he did not know that there was investment opportunities in Mesquite.

[click to continue…]

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Sun City Mesquite New Models

by Mesquite Realty on January 28, 2014

Sun City Mesquite New Models

It has been a long time since any big changes have happened in Sun City Mesquite. Last week they introduced their new line of model homes. Buck and I both went to the Broker Open House and enjoyed viewing these new Model Homes. For those that are interested in this 55+ Active Adult Community or those that just enjoy getting new decorating ideas, we have put together a few photos of each of the new models with information about them.

PRICES ARE AS OF : January 28, 2014.

[click to continue…]

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Mesquite Rentals

by Mesquite Realty on October 1, 2013

All Rental Listings will be Posted on


Click here for APPLICATION

***NOTE*** There is a $50 Application Fee. We will do a Credit Check, Background check, and Eviction check. If you are denied all monies will be refunded to you except $50 Application Fee. You will also be given a statement of why you were denied service.


Applications are first-come, first-serve. Applications are screened by a 3rd party at To be accepted you will need a minimum AI Score of 650. All Applicants are required to pass the Application Process to be Accepted.

To be considered for any property, please mail the completed Application and $50 cashier’s check to:

Mesquite Realty, 
742 W Pioneer Blvd Ste B, 
Mesquite NV 89027

Please call us at 702-703-5500 if you have any questions regarding the rental process.

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Mesquite Rental Questions

by Mesquite Realty on September 30, 2013

Mesquite Realty only manages long term leases (6 month minimum). Here are some general questions we are often asked…

Question: Is there a deposit required?
Answer: YES. A security deposit is normally the same as the rent but not always. be sure to ask.

Question: Can I pay the security deposit in payments?
Answer: NOOOO… All Deposits are due in full before we will give keys… PERIOD.

Question: Is the Security Deposit refundable?
Answer: YES. Upon completion final walk-through if all obligations and terms of the contract have been completed and the home is in the same condition it was in when rented minus wear and tear. We will also verify final utility bills have been paid.

Question: Are pets allowed?
Answer: Maybe. You will need something in writing Landlord and/or Property Manager to allow any pets. There is a $500 non warning fine for having a pet in the premises without written permission. This is also a major breach of the Residential Lease Agreement and grounds for eviction.

Question: I found a rental I am interested in… What do I do to get started?
Answer: First fill out an Application and return it with the $45 Application Fee. You can return this to me via Fax, Email or Deliver it to the Mesquite Realty Office.

Question: Does Mesquite Realty do a Credit Check or Background Check?
Answer: YES. We do a Credit Check, Eviction Check, and Background Check on ALL applicants. If we do it for 1 person we have to do it for everyone.

Question: Is there an Application Fee?
Answer: YES. the cost is $45 per application. Each application can have up to 2 tenants named on the Residential Lease Agreement.

Question: Does Mesquite Realty do Seasonal Rentals (Snowbird Rentals)?
Answer: Possibly. We typically do long term leases however if we have some friends and clients that have a home available for a season we typically try to help them. Call the office.

Question: Typically what responsibilities to tenants have other than rent?
Answer: For Single Family Homes the tenant is responsible for Electricity, Water, Sewer/Garbage and possibly yard maintenance. Condos and Townhomes usually have the Garbage/Sewer and maybe water included with the Home Owner Association (HOA) Fees. The Owner/Landlord is responsible to Pay Taxes and HOA Fees.

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