If you have not been to the City of Mesquite in a while you not recognize all the changes. Changes are seen every where, and are very evident particularly with the commercial growth on the Northwest side of the City of Mesquite. We put together a quick video tour to show you some of the new buildings and along Pioneer Blvd. and Falcon Ridge Parkway. You will see Walmart, Sears, Baskin Robins, Little Caesars Pizza, Beals (clothing), Dollar Tree, Papa Murphy’s, Jade Sports and many more… (Video is approx. 3 mins.)
We like to stay current with projects that the City of Mesquite are involved in. We decided that others too may be interested in this information. The following is from the Commercial Projects List from the City of Mesquite updated May 2009.
The City of Mesquite has 6 Approved Architectural & Site Plan Reviews.
1. Boulevard Car Wash, located at 420 W Mesquite Blvd. This will be a car wash.
2. Courtyard Plaza, located on 191 E Mesquite Blvd. This will have Retail and Office Space.
3. Dinosaur Station, located west of Falcon Ridge Parkway and north of Hardy Way. This will be a Power Substation by Overton Power District No.5.
4. Mesquite Lutheran Church Child Care Expansion, located at 450 Turtleback Road. This is an approved expansion by the City of Mesquite to a current child care facility.
5. Paragon Office Complex, located 342 W Mesquite Blvd. This is an office building.
6. Town & Country Village Plaza C Store and Car Wash & Auto Service Center, this will be located at 620 W Pioneer Blvd. As the name says it will be a convenience store, carwash and auto service center.
7 Projects under Construction from the City of Mesquite.
1. La Virgen Guadalupe Catholic Church, located at Canyon Crest and Oasis Blvd. This will be the only Catholic Church in Mesquite NV. Most residences have been traveling to nearby Bunkerville NV (3 miles) to attend mass and other church related functions.
2. Solstice Motorcoach Resort & Country Club Phase 1, located at the southwest corner of John Deere Dr. and Bertha Howe Ave. This building use will have restroom, showers, and laundry facilities for this Mesquite motor RV resort.
3. Samurai Japanese Restaurant, located at 540 W Mesquite Blvd. This is a Japanese Restaurant and Steakhouse.
4. Anthem at Mesquite(Sun CityMesquite) Golf Course Maintenance Building, located at the Sun City PUD (planned unit development). To be used for maintenance, equipment storage, and pump station.
5. Anthem at Mesquite offsite reclaimed water pump station, located at the intersection of Redd Hills Parkway and West Mesquite Blvd. This is officially a pump house.
6. Arsenic Removal Plant No. 27, located at 712 Hardy Way. This is a water treatment facility to go along with the other surrently in place in Mesquite.
7. Bulldog Pest Control Warehouse, located on 71 W First North Street. This is a warehouse for a local business.
This article was written by the Mesquite Real Estate team from Bowler Realty in Mesquite Nevada. Find homes, townhomes and Condos for sale on the Mesquite MLS. We are also licensed in Arizona.
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