As of January 6, 2010 there are 45 properties For Sale in Mesquite Nevada on the Mesquite MLS. These properties all have at least 2 bedroom and 2 bathrooms and are ALL UNDER $100,000. Interest rates are still favorable at or near 5%, the market prices are lower than we have ever seen them, and you may qualify for a government rebate up to $8,000!
These 45 Properties for sale Under $100,000 are made up of Mesquite Condos (39), Townhomes(5) and a Home.
Single Family Home (1).
Riversbend(1). The 1 and only Single Family home for sale under $100,000 on our list today is located in RiversBend. Homes in RiversBend are more affordable than ever. They are on the smaller size, hence the lower price. Many people that are able to purchase homes here for less then they can rent!
Townhomes (5).
The Townhomes available are located in Skyhawk (2), Chardonnay, Grapevine, and Mesa Townhomes.
Skyhawk Townhomes (2) are all about 1,340 square feet and have 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. They are 2 story and all bedrooms are on the second level. They a 1 car detached garage and a small patio area that is fenced. There is a community swimming pool and hot tub as well as a playground and picnic/BBQ area.
Grapevine (1) & Chardonnay (1) Townhomesboth these communities are located Hafen Lane and Grapevine Road. Both have single level attached townhomes, sometimes referred to as duplexes. Each have 2 car garages that are attached and nice little yards. The HOA Dues are minimal here compared to many other communities.
Mesa Townhomes (1) in Mesquite are located just north-east of the Eureka Casino on Mesa Blvd. These Townhomes have 2 pools in the association. Most of the townhomes here have 3 townhomes to a building.
Mesquite Condos for Sale
There are 39 Mesquite Nevada Condos for sale currently. These have been really HOT!(meaning they have been selling quickly) Here is a breakdown of the communities and how many for sale; Hawk Ridge(22), Rock Springs(11), Hermosa Vistas(4), Enchantment(1), and The Springs(1).
Hawk Ridge Condos (22) in Mesquite have well due to price. There have been sales for 994 sq.ft. condos for $65,000 and for the larger 1381 sq.ft. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom size are going for around $75,000! Many of these units sold new in 2006 for near $200,000. The HOA dues are $150 per month as taxes on most have been just over $100 per month.
Rock Springs Condos (11) are located just north of the Eureka Casino. These Mesquite condos make great second homes and investment properties because they are always well kept. Rock Springs Condos are either 996 sq.ft. of 1192 sq.ft. and have 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Each has a covered patio and a storgae area in the side of the building. They also have pools and hot tubs to relax in.
Hermosa Vistas (4)are located just to the south of Pioneer Blvd. Many have great views overlooking Mesquite to the west. They have an adobe architecture. These condos also have a pool and a picnic area. Hermosa Vistas have 2 and 3 bedrooms with 2 baths.
Enchantment (1) is located to the north of Pioneer Blvd off of Greens Way. Some of these Mesquite Condos sit on the Oasis Palmer Golf Course Course and have stunning views over a pond. The Pool and Hot Tub area also looks like a cabana! These Mesquite condos also are done in the Adobe style.
The Springs (1) are found between Mesquite Blvd and Second South Street near Riverside Road. They have both single and two-level condos. Each has a garage as well. These condos at this time do require cash to purchase them as we have discussed in past blogs.
Feel free to CONTACT US regarding any of these properties… after all it is what we do!
If you are thinking of visiting Mesquite Nevada anytime soon and need a place to stay, consider our $99 Getaway Package.
This article was written by the Mesquite Real Estate Team from Bowler Realty. Bowler Realty is a licensed real estate broker that sells lots of Mesquite NV condos and homes. See homes for sale in Mesquite Nevada and surrounding areas.

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