It is that time of year again in Nevada… time to get the new tax bills. The State of Nevada fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30 each year.
Nevada Property Taxes
To see what Nevada property taxes are on a home you will need the Assessor Parcel Number or APN. If you do not know this you can look it up by owner name or address on the Clark County Assessor website.
Once you have the Assessor Parcel Number (it should look like 001-10-114-007). You then can look up the current and previous taxes on the Clark County Treasurer website.
You will see something similar to this:
Now that we are looking at the Nevada property tax information, you will see that it can look very overwhelming to some. I will only discuss a few aspects of this page.
For the Property in the photo above it shows a Net Assessed Value of 92,447. What does that MEAN?? Clark County, where Las Vegas, Mesquite, and Laughlin are located (and where we sell Real Estate) has a 35% (or .35) assessment ratio they use.
To find the Market Value according to the Clark County Assessor you would take the 92,447/ .35= $264,134.29.
This is great to know if you are looking at buying a property and want to know if you are getting a good buy on it. Keep in mind this is not perfect and the Nevada property taxes records, like anything else can have errors. It is a good idea to check out values with a local Realtor as well.
Another Example: Lets say you find a home that has a taxable value of $264,134 and you want to know the Nevada property tax.
Take the $264,134 X .35= 92,447 assessed value. To take this a step further find the Tax Rate (upper right hand corner or 2.7704% or .027704)
Next take the a 92,447 X .027704= $2,561.15 Assessed Taxes. I will not go into the cap reduction at this time but some homes may have a small reduction reducing the annual Nevada property tax.
The lower section of the page shows the last payment made and when what your current and previous Nevada property tax has been.
We hope this quick review of Nevada property tax has been helpful. See Nevada real estate for sale.
This article was written by Brandon Park from the Mesquite Real Estate Team at Bowler Realty. Bowler Realty is a licensed brokerage in Nevada and Arizona.

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