How to Clark County Nevada Property Taxes are Calculated
Nevada Property taxes for Mesquite are calculated by the Clark County Assessors Office and are calculated based on the value of the land plus improvements.The Assessors office website says this…
The Assessor values all property subject to taxation. The Assessor is required by Nevada law to discover, list and value all property within the county. The property is assessed at 35% of its current appraised value. In addition to parcels of real property (land, homes, commercial buildings), the Assessor must value personal property including businesses from lavish multi-million dollar casinos to one person operations, manufactured homes, aircraft, and any other personal property which is taxable. The Assessor collects personal property tax only acting as the tax receiver of the countyTherefore, they take appraised (done by Clark County Appraiser) price for your property and then multiply it by 35% to get the Assessed Value. From there it depends on where you live in as to how much you are taxed. There are currently 111 tax districts in Clark County NV.
The tax rates for these districts are based on the amount of monies budgeted for the necessary maintenance and improvements of their facilities and services. The tax monies collected for the districts pay for schools, police and fire protection, along with other services that taxpayers demand and desire from their local government. These tax rates vary depending on the type of services provided to an area.The 2009-2010 tax rate for Mesquite is 2.7704, while Bunkerville (which has less services than Mesquite) is at 2.5184.
To calculate the taxes we now just plug in the numbers. If our Mesquite Nevada home is worth $200,000 and is assessed at 35% we have an assessed value of $70,000. (200,000 x .35). Next, we take the tax rate for Mesquite of 2.7704% and multiply it by our assessed value of $70,000. This gives you assessed taxes of $1939.28. This is just under 1% of purchase/appraised price annually.
Many times you will see a cap reduction as well. This will reduce your property taxes up to a few hundred dollars a year on some homes.
How to appeal & possibly lower your Nevada Property Taxes
2009 Clark County assessments are closed and no new appeals can be filed. There is no way of changing existing tax charges that have been mailed out already.
To appeal your Property Taxes for the 2010 fiscal year you need to go in person to the Clark County Assessors office between Dec. 15, 2009 and Jan 15, 2010. There you will need to pick up and fill out a form to appeal the value of property taxes… don’t bother looking online for the forms as we were informed that it can ONLY be picked up “in person.” Also do not try going before Dec. 15 to get the forms as it is only available during those dates.
There are some good things here, the Outlet Malls are right next to the Main Office and you could get some good shopping in while getting your taxes appealed and hopefully reduced. The property tax appeals are free.
Here is the address where the appeals can be made:
Clark County Government Center
500 South Grand Central Pkwy. 2nd Floor
Las Vegas NV 89155-1401
(702) 455-3882
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday
We at the Mesquite Real Estate Team hope this helps you. The Mesquite Real Estate Team of Bowler Realty is licensed in Mesquite and Arizona. We are Members of the Mesquite Real Estate Association and also belong to the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors.

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