Buck and I just returned from a great trip to the 2013 National Association of Realtors Year End Convention in San Francisco. The meetings were informative and educational. The convention was huge. estimated 15,000 Realtors attended the Year End event.
Below is a Photo of the current Certified Residential Specialists (CRS) of Southern Nevada Leadership. 2013 President LV “Buck” Schaeffel (left), 2013 President-Elect Robert Little (middle), 2013 Treasurer Brandon Park (right)
Below is a photo of Buck Schaeffel at the Plaza Hotel in San Francisco. We stayed at the Palace Hotel, which is where the CRS meetings were held. This was a very nice hotel with a rich history.
We were able to attend our various meetings and were able to get out a bit between meetings.
Buck also was there representing the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR) and Nevada Association of Realtors (NVAR) Board of Directors. On Saturday evening he attended the Nevada Nite Out with other GLVAR, NVAR and Elko and Reno Board of Directors. This was a great event.
We enjoyed our time in San Francisco but are happy to be home and back to work. This post was written by Brandon Park of Mesquite Realty.

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