Foreclosures in Mesquite (LIST IS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE)
Currently there are 42 listings on the Mesquite MLS that are foreclosures in Mesquite.
There are some condos, townhomes, land and homes. The Display has addresses, photos, agent remarks and more. This is an interactive display so you will be able to scroll down and see the photos and prices. This is the same list I send to clients before they come to look at properties. It is easy to use and super informative about our foreclosures in Mesquite.
Note About Foreclosures
Almost all foreclosures need work. Many of them need a lot of work and have been mistreated. If you in your heart really want a new home in Mesquite… let us help you find one. There are some fantastic prices on new homes. Foreclosures are not for everybody and foreclosures in Mesquite fall into two categories.
- Those that are in Fair Condition or Better. These may need some work as most foreclosures in Mesquite do. This may mean it needs some new carpet and/ or paint. Most also need a good cleaning. There are a few and I stress “A FEW” foreclosures in Mesquite that the banks have come in and already put in new carpet and paint. If they have you may also see that they had house and yard cleaned. On occasion even new appliances.
- Those that need TONS of work. These may be homes in Bunkerville built in 1901 and have been through 5 remodels… without permits. This category also includes foreclosures in Mesquite that have just been abused and or destroyed prior to the previous owner abandoning the home.
With either situation for the right price there is a deal to be had. Most foreclosures in Mesquite are under $100/sq.ft. with some as low as $40-50 sq.ft.
For those looking not only looking for foreclosures in Mesquite but also in outlying areas like Scenic AZ and Beaver Dam AZ, these areas present another potential problem… that of water.
Quick Story about Arizona Home, I was asked to show a foreclosed home in Scenic AZ that was listed for $85,000. It looked like a great value until we found out that there was no water to the property. The previous owner had a well and had given a verbal agreement with a neighbor for water. After abandoning the home the agreement was no longer valid. Once it foreclosed there is not a lender around that will finance this home with out water and to drill a well it runs about $25,000. Be careful it is still Buyer Beware.
Another issue that I am concerned about deals with buyers that are purchasing homes that have had additions made without the proper permits. Foreclosures in Mesquite are generally sold “AS IS” and the banks will require a buyer to waiver their right to receive any disclosures normally given. So where does this leave a buyer that had no knowledge of work done without permits… probably a good questions to ask your attorney before purchasing any foreclosures in Mesquite.
This article was written by Richard Bowler from Bowler Realty. We can help if you have questions about any of these foreclosures give us a call or CONTACT US .
See All Properties for Sale in Mesquite.

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