My partner Buck (above) and I really enjoy selling Mesquite NV real estate, we also both enjoy fishing and thought we would share some of our knowledge of the subject. Depending on the type of fishing you enjoy doing, there are a number of lakes, stream and rivers that can fill the need. One our favorite is in northern Arizona called Lee’s Ferry.
Lee’s Ferry AZ
It is located about 16 miles below Glen Canyon Dam(Lake Powell). We fish the upper stretch from Glen Canyon Dam down to Lee’s Ferry. It is accessible by boat only as this area is just a few mile above the Grand Canyon. The scenery is beautiful and the fishing is exceptional. This stretch of river is catch and release only as it is a trophy fishery. It is ideal habitat for trout fishing. We have always gone fly fishing and have seen others also spinner fishing. Last summer our guide introduced fishing for 10+ lbs. carp in 6x tippet! That was FUN.
Lee’s Ferry is about a 3 and a half hour drive from our home Mesquite NV. It is the best and closest fly fishing for trout I am aware of. (if you know others please share) Summer time is the best as the Cicada hatch produces great surface action for dry flies. However it is HOT so take lots of water and don’t be afraid to use a guide… they really know that area inside and out and we have learned much from them.
Lake Mead NV
Another fishing opportunity that I look forward to every year is night fishing for stripped bass in Lake Mead. Also know as “strippers” these bass are great to eat and are plentiful. With the legal limit at 20 fish in your possession, it can make a fine meal. It is about 1 and half hours from Mesquite NV to the Echo Bay Marina of Lake Mead. If you like to fish, don’t want to get sunburned and like to stay up all night… This fishing is for you! A Boat will be needed or a friend with a boat will do!
We like to put our boat on the water at dusk and take it near Stewart’s Point. We use anchovies as bait on medium to large hooks(some strippers are over 20 lbs). Chum with a bag of dried cat food hung over the side of the boat. Also put a can or two of canned cat food with holes in it as it will last all night. We use 24″ neon lights (from Cabela’s) hooked to a spare battery set down about 10 feet. This light will attract bugs and small fish which then attract the Shad which are what the Strippers eat. Within a few hours you will have a cyclone of 1,000’s of fish swimming around your light. We then put heavy weights on with our Anchovies and send them to the bottom and then real then up. I would usually get about 3-5 hits each time I reeled up. This fishing is furious and can go on all night or until you call it quits. This you must try just for the experience. You will not forget it. And the temperature at night is usually in the 70’s and feels great!
There are other areas as well around Mesquite Nevada to Fish. I just had a report from a client of ours that took his kids and caught large mouth bass and catfish out of the Muddy River in Logandale NV. I also know people that fish the ponds that are stocked within the limits of the City of Mesquite, and do well at different times of the year.
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!
Article written by Brandon Park of the Mesquite Real Estate Team of Bowler Realty.

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