I thought this gave a good perspective from the air of Mesquite NV. Many people that drive through Mesquite don’t realize that there are about 8,000 residences and about 20,000 people that live here. From the air you can see many of the green golf courses, including Wolf Creek Golf Course which is located adjacent to Mesquite airport.
Facts about the Mesquite Nevada Airport:
Latitude N 36′ degrees 50’4″and Longitude W14′ degrees 03’5″
Runway Length is 5,100 feet and 75 feet wide and 30,000 lbs. capacity.
Here are some Interesting Facts about Mesquite NV:
Mesquite was founded in 1894 and is located on the I-15 freeway on southeastern Nevada on the Arizona state line near the Virgin River.
Mesquite is…483 miles from Boise ID, … 675 miles from Denver CO, …370 miles from Los Angeles CA, …360 miles from Phoenix AZ and 345 miles from Salt Lake City, UT.
The climate in Mesquite normally has high temperatures of over 100 degrees in July and August and can have low temperatures in the 20’s from November to February. We average over 330+ days of sunshine per year and have between 4-5 inches of rain per year.
The population of Mesquite in 2000 was about 12,000. The last consensus in 2006 was 18,000. Many of the homes in Mesquite are used a seasonal or second homes. Many retirees live in Mesquite and enjoy the small town charm and clean air. We have numerous State and National Parks nearby and lots of recreation.
The largest employers in Mesquite are the Casinos, each hiring from 500-900 employees each. Walmart and Clark County Schools each hire over 300 employees. The City of Mesquite and Mesa View Regional Hospital also hire about 200 employees.

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